Release notes Frontline Mail Manager

We are dedicated to continually improving the Frontline Mail Manager solution to meet the evolving needs of our users. This page is your  go-to destination for staying up-to-date with the latest enhancements, features, and bug fixes.


November 2024

CHN2405 032 – Secret, app ID and tenant as standard setting
The fields Application ID, Tenant ID and Client Secret (for MS Graph accounts) become general settings that can be managed in one place. This avoids having to copy the values for each account.

CHN2407 041 – Customer Satisfaction Survey per queue/folder
A hidden configuration in FMM defines for which division the customer surveys are sent. This configuration is extended with folders and queues. There is now also support for multiple languages. The language is linked to the folder/queue.

CHN2409 016 – Support KCM Next
Support for the new KCM Next API calls to launch customer surveys. Configuration is extended with “ExcludedDomains” – these sender domains will not receive the survey.

CHN2310 104 – Improve download functionality
FMM now makes it much easier to download e-mails and/or attachments. The agent gets download buttons when handling an e-mail. And those same buttons are available wherever a preview of the mail is possible (widget, pull app, supervisor app, search app).

CHN2409 047 – Reorganize Queues management in Admin app
The management of queues in FMM is aligned with that of folders. From now on, a queue will be activated or deactivated for use in FMM. Also, one will only be able to select queues that support e-mails. The definition of queues will of course remain in Genesys Cloud.

CHN2307 101 – Possibility to define sub folders
FMM 4.1 offers the possibility of defining subfolders. This involves logical arrangement of folders without inheritance from the main folder.

CHN2410 026 – Restrict search and monitor
The division configuration is extended to define how the Search app and Search tab in the supervisor app will behave. There are 3 possibilities: “global” (results from any division/queue/folder), “divisions” (results restricted to defined divisions) and “queues/folders” (results restricted to defined folders/queues).

CHN2405 002 – Set template for new e-mail in FMM pull app
Configuration of standard canned responses is extended to support setting defaults for new threads from within the pull app. There was already the option to set a default canned response for “reply”, “reply all”, “forward” and “new” (in the context of an existing thread).

CHN2410 024 – Extending e-mail account configuration
Extension of the IMAP4/SMTP configuration of mail accounts. Adding fields such as user name and security settings.

CHN2410 008 – Customer receives mail that his mail has been deleted unread
This change avoids a customer (that requests a read receipt) receives a notification that his e-mail has been deleted without being read.

Solved reported issues

4.0.1 HF1

#4323: Allowing editing of canned response containing mandatory fields
#4388: Create new ‘unassigned’ button for response libraries
# 4405: Prefix mails in Blacklist (e.g. “noreply@”)

4.0.2 HF2

#4425: Mandatory fields and blacklist not working for new mail
#4427: Expand possible characters in mandatory fieldnames
#4424: Libraries not working for new mails per folder
#4440: Change of folder – Canned response is added instead of changed
#4441: Not able to search for ‘New Mails’

4.0.3 HF3

#4437: Clearance not available for new mail

Corresponding FMM Manual
Version of the FMM manual that corresponds with this release: 1.5.3

September 2024

CHN2402 066 – Clearance improvements

The clearance improvement involves providing an additional option for the clearance authority. Until the previous version of FMM, it had 2 options for an email requiring clearance: he approves the agent’s response or he disapproves the agent’s response.

There is now an additional option: edit the answer + send

CHN2402 067 – Forbidden words per folder and queue

The forbidden words lists, ensure that agents cannot use certain words in their replies, or new emails to clients. Until the previous FMM version, the forbidden words lists can be linked to a division. If not, we consider it as a global list. Via the division, the forbidden words list can be linked to a queue or folder (since queues and folders are also linked to a division). With this change, we eliminate the intermediate step. Forbidden words can be global, linked to one or more divisions, or linked  to one or more queues/folders

CHN2402 068 – Thread label per account

In the current version of FMM, the thread prefix is a global setting for all e-mails within FMM. In a facility contact centre, emails are handled for different customers. Therefore, it should be possible to set the label (instead of prefix) per account. At the same time, we also make the composition of the subject in the reply e-mail configurable.

CHN2402 070 – Restrict assigning from and to folders and queues

It may be interesting in certain situations to limit the assignment of e-mails to folders and queues. Conversely, sometimes it is also desirable that e-mails from a particular queue and folder cannot be sent to anywhere else.

CHN2402 071 – Agent report settings per account

For some divisions, searching or reporting at agent level should not be allowed.

CHN2402 072 – Change e-mail subject in auto reply

The API that is called from within the Architect Flow to send auto replies is extended with extra fields: subject and from address. (refer also to CHN2402 073)

CHN2402 073 – Set different from addresses

Until the previous version of FMM, agents replied to incoming e-mails from the same mailbox in which the customer’s message was received. However,it is often desirable to reply from a different e-mail address than the original one. This is e.g. the case with facility contact centres that receive e-mail forwarded from their customer but must respond on behalf of (and thus from a customer e-mail address). In-house contact centres can steer the further treatment of an e-mail thread to another department thanks to this new feature. (refer also to CHN2402 072)

CHN2402 075 – Canned responses per folder and queue

Predefined text blocks (= canned responses) allow agents to quickly respond to customer emails. Canned responses are created in the Genesys Cloud Admin module. They are grouped into what are called ‘libraries’. To prevent agents from seeing all canned responses in their userinterface, the previous version of FMM links each canned response library to a division. This means that the canned responses the agent must choose from are those that are relevant to them. With this change, we reorganize the main entry “Response libraries” in the Admin app. The response libraries will be organized in the same way as the forbidden words lists and the e-mail/domain blacklists: i.e. they can be defined as global, linked to a division, or being applicable to queues and folders.

CHN2404 069 – Blacklist for outbound mails

This feature allows the administrator of FMM to ensure that agents cannot send messages to certain e-mail addresses or e-mail domains. This applies to both replies (where e.g. someone can be added in cc) and new outgoing messages.

CHN2404 070 – Agent/supervisor search in queues/folders in division

To restrict access to data on individual agents in the search and reporting app one can control access at the individual user level (in addition to division-level settings).

CHN2406 006 – Make FMM division aware

FMM is used as an e-mail management tool in different types of companies. You have e.g. in-house contact centres where the set-up of GenesysCloud follows the structure of the organisation, using the concept of divisions. In such organisations, collaboration across divisions is obvious.In facility-based contact centres, the situation is different. One can define a division per customer, for example, and then it is obvious that there is no exchange of information across divisional boundaries.

CHN2407 029 – Support advanced e-mail routing in architect flow

Extension of the data that is attached to the Genesys mail conversation with all to and all cc addresses. This allows to take specific routing actions within the Architect flow.

CHN2407 030 – Editing of canned response containing mandatory fields

Different treatment of the canned response containing mandatory fields. There will be no longer a pop-up for entering the fields in the protected response.

CHN2404 024 –Search for agents only for supervisors

Allowing a user to be able to search on an agent is now configurable.


#1409: Assign to agent should ask to which queue/folder

#4114: Actions on older mails should be sent from the new (latest) location of the thread

#4115: Aligned e-mails states for front and back office

#4301: Genesys Cloud disconnect button closes the mail in FMM (consistency)

Solved reported issues

3.1.1 HF1

#3893: BI server crashes because of re-opened autoreply mails

#3885: Backoffice: Preview mail scrolls back to top

#3769: Move UI version from config.json to version.json

#3898: Update error text when widget can’t load mail

#3897: AWS S3 region is not configurable

#3899: Can’t get thread Overview of thread without incoming mail

#3762: Assign to agent or queue/folder are not written in history

3.1.2 HF2

#3861: Issues with SLA filter (ordering)

#3924: Buttons download & e-mail always visible

3.1.3 HF3

#4009: Button “new mail’ in pull app not working anymore

#4032: Export of queue report does not contain queue names

#4033: Assign to BO agent does not disconnect conversation

3.1.4 HF4

#4065: Front office agent can’t add new mail to thread

#4116: Search does not give results for correct thread ID


3.1.5. HF5

#4119: Genesys notifications disconnect mail from user and queue

3.1.6. HF6

#4238: Mail manager receives two Inbound Mail Notifications of the same mail

#4119: Genesys notifications disconnect mail from user and queue – add check on customer participant data

#4241: Fix null ref when backoffice mail has no folder

Corresponding FMM Manual

Version of the FMM manual that corresponds with this release: 1.5.0

May 2024

CHN2311 018 – Adjust order of fields

In this release of FMM, tabular overviews (e.g. monitor tab in thesupervisor app) become customizable: one can choose which fields to see andin what order they are displayed. The settings are kept centrally for eachagent, so he will have the same user experience the next time he uses theapps, no matter from which device.

CHN2312 063 – Enable response to old conversation

This allows an agent using the pull app to reopen a closed e-mailthread by assigning it to himself.

QM improvements

Dummy queue per queue/folder to overcome the problem of having onedummy queue assigned to a division that could not serve folders not belongingto that division.

Allow « day » (next to week/month) as selection for theperiod in the evaluation policies.

Queues and folders for selection, not just for filtering. It is nowpossible to set an evaluation policy for a queue/folder, in combination withuser selection. The policy applies to all emails that meet all matchingcriteria

Clearance improvements

Clearance (switch on/off)

This new general setting in the Admin app decides whether Clearance issupported or not in the different FMM apps. If turned off, it prohibitsactivating Clearance for an e-mail (by mistake).

Solved issues

  • #2855 – Avoid empty To address
  • #2887 – Nested canned responses result in too much empty lines
  • #2886 – “On hold until” not set
  • #3056 – Supervisor monitor is not taking division switches intoaccount
  • #3062 – Incorrect SLA timers in supervisor monitor
  • #3063 – Cannot download attachment containing “/” symbol
  • #3153 – E-mails get strange date
  • #3171 – Supervisor cannot disable clearance
  • #3172 – Not possible to change category without assigning mail (pullap)
  • #3173 – Cannot forward to mail account mail address
  • #3170 – Second canned response is not replaced
  • #3192 – Automatically close bounced e-mails without info
  • #3260 – Reporting only for backoffice agents
  • #3300 – BI server exceptions
  • #3249 – Assign to folder not consistent
  • #3364 – E-mail layout disappears
  • #3310 – Nested canned response: preview (new lines)
  • #3421 – Canned response preview does not show enough whitespace
  • #3386 – Evaluation mails on dummy queue not disconnected correctly

Corresponding FMM Manual

Version of the FMM manual that corresponds with this release: 1.4.02

February 2024

CHN2311 062 – Hide agent names

A system setting determines whether one can select an individual agent in the supervisor app (reporting tab). This prevents having reporting data onone specific agent which is not allowed in some countries.

CHN2311 059 – Mandatory textfields

It is now possible to indicate certain fields as mandatory in a template/canned response (managed in Geneys Cloud administration). This means that the agent, after selecting a canned response, must first fill in all mandatory fields before sending the mail.

CHN2311 060 – Forbidden wordslist

The administrator can create lists of forbidden words (e.g. swearwords, curses…). FMM will check if the agent’s reply contains one or more of these forbidden words when sending an e-mail. As long as they are present, the agent will not be able to send the mail.

CHN2309 010 – Canned responses and actions

One can assign default templates to a queue, folder and agent. Once selected, the default applies to all types of actions (reply, reply to all,forward…). This is not desirable and therefore the possibility is offered to choose the default template per action.

With this change, “forward to queue” and “forward tofolder” in the FMM Widget (front office) were replaced by “assign to queue” and “assign to folder” respectively; so that it is consistent with the supervisor app, among others.

CHN2311 058 – Clearance

Clearance means that a clearance authority gives his “blessing” on a reply prepared by an agent. In that case, the mail leaves directly to the customer. Otherwise, the comments go back to the agent.

There are several ways to indicate that clearance is required:

  • For a given agent: every reply from that agent is offered for clearance.
  • For a certain queue/folder: every answer to an e-mail belonging to that queue/folder must be offered for clearance.
  • A supervisor can indicate in the monitor tab of his supervisor app that a future reply to the e-mail must be offered for clearance.
  • An agent can – at the time of answering an e-mail – request clearance.

Solved issues

  1. #2864: Endless loop when no opening hours are defined in folder/queuesettings
  2. #2870: NullReferenceException during Queue sync with Genesys Cloud
  3. #2873: Lost account
  4. #2881: Language of Supervisor/Search app set to English
  5. #2886: Field “on hold” not set
  6. #2887: Too much empty lines inserted while working with nested canned responses

December 2023

TOPIC 1 CHN2309 044 QM on Outgoing Mail

The QM module of Genesys Cloud is a tool that assists organizations in improving agent productivity and customer satisfaction. The module is used for evaluating agent productivity and for targeted agent training. Evaluations are conducted by creating evaluation forms and policies.

Starting from this release of FMM, administrators can also define evaluations for front office (FMM Widget) and back office (FMM pull app) employees. FMM utilizes Genesys Cloud’s standard evaluation forms. A policy definition in the FMM Admin app looks as follows:

A daily process determines if evaluations need to be assigned. Evaluators are notified in the usual manner through their inbox. When they open the evaluation, they are provided with a direct link to the agent’s communication, which opens in the FMM search app.

TOPIC 2 CHN2311 061 UI in German and French

The FMM Widget (push), FMM Pull app, Search, and Supervisor app are now available with German and French user interfaces as well. The language of the apps and widget is determined by the setting in Genesys Cloud (i.e., agent – preferences – language).

November 2023

Reference in Standard Response (Nested Canned Responses)

This feature allows referencing other defined standard responses within standard responses (canned responses).

The standard responses available in FMM are defined and managed in Genesys Cloud (Contact Center -> Canned Responses). Each response has a unique ID, which can be found in the URL after selecting and editing the desired standard response.

To create a reference to this standard response “Greeting/Closing”, simply place this URL between double curly braces in another standard response.

No validation is performed when defining nested standard responses. However, since there is a risk of creating an endless, circular reference, FMM will perform a check at the time of usage.

Changing Auto-reply From Address

In the settings of FMM, one can enter a single auto-reply email address.

FMM provides an API that can be invoked from the Genesys Architect Flow to send an auto-reply (fmm_send_autoreply). By default, this API uses the email address configured in settings (see above). The API has been extended so that this default email address can be replaced with the email address on which the original message was received.

Ability to Cancel Search Query

For overly extensive search queries, it is now possible to cancel the query. Additionally, FMM will issue a warning if the query takes longer than 15 seconds. Furthermore, the date pickers (for specifying a period in the search query) are expanded with standard relative periods, such as ’today’, ‘last week’, and so on. This allows the agent/supervisor to use the date filter more quickly. The capabilities are analogous to those within Genesys Cloud.


It is now possible to delete emails from the system that are older than x number of months. These timers are set per queue and folder. To achieve this, a background service runs. Once a day, for each queue and folder, it checks if attachments and/or emails need to be deleted. By default, this is set to 2 AM to minimize interaction during office hours. The service runs for a maximum number of hours (default set to 4). Even if not all actions are executed, the service stops and will restart the next day. These values (2h and 4h) can only be changed by the system administrator.

Bug Fixes

Original attachments are added to new internal forwards (internal forward – to folder or queue – has the same functionality as regular forward). Folders are sorted alphabetically in monthly reporting. Acceptance of 2 attachments with the same name.


Based on user feedback, continuous efforts are made to improve Frontline Mail Manager. This release also includes some optimizations that work behind the scenes to improve performance. The interventions are (very) technical in nature and have no impact on usage, except for the time saved with some features for the agents.

Older release notes are available upon request